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I am a born and bred Texan, growing up in Dallas where I met my high school sweetheart. I attended SMU while she attended TCU, and I eventually brought her back to the right side of DFW after graduating. We tied the knot in 2013 after nine years of dating.

I earned BBA and Master’s degrees in accounting at SMU, earned my CPA license, and made my way into audit at KPMG. After a few years, I transitioned into the deal advisory financial due diligence practice at KPMG and have focused on transaction advisory ever since. Needless to say, my passion is serving and assisting clients throughout the transaction lifecycle, and having the opportunity to build Embark’s Transaction Services practice from scratch as the TS Service Leader is a dream come true.

As much as I love advising our clients through transactions and working in an amazing culture with incredible people, my wife and daughter are my life, with golf coming in at a close third...or maybe a distant third depending on how my short game is behaving.

David Harner, CPA*

Managing Director

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